- STAT 23400. Statistical Models and Methods. Spring 2016.
Senior Consultant
- 2017-2018 Statistical Consulting. Mentor.
Teaching Assistant
- STAT 22600: Analysis of Categorical Data. Winter 2014. Instructor: Mei Wang
- STAT 23400: Statistical Models and Methods. Spring 2014. Instructor: Linda Brant Collins
- STAT 22000: Statistical Methods and Applications. Autumn 2014. Instructor: Loretta Au and Peter McCullagh
- STAT 24500: Statistical Theory and Method 2.Spring 2015. Instructor: Wei Biao Wu
- STAT 34500: Design/Analysis of Experiments. Winter 2016. Instructor: Dan Nicolae
- STAT 24400: Statistical Theory and Method 1. Autumn 2016. Instructor: John Reinitz
- STAT 22400: Applied Regression Analysis. Spring 2017. Instructor: Kendra Burbank
- STAT 34300: Applied Linear Statistical Methods. Autumn 2017, Instructor: Zheng Tracy Ke