Takes the clustering model fit from archaic_fit as an input and plots the clusters using as EDLogo plots (Dey et al 2018) and the proportional mixing of the clusters for each sample using a STRUCTURE plot (Pritchard et al 2000, Dey2017) representation.

  topic_cols = c("red", "blue", "darkgoldenrod1", "cyan", "firebrick", "green",
    "hotpink", "burlywood", "yellow", "darkgray", "deepskyblue", "darkkhaki", "brown4",
    "darkorchid", "magenta", "yellow", "azure1", "azure4"),
  background = "modern",
  structure.control = list(),
  logo.control = list(),
  output_dir = NULL



Fitted model from archaic_fit.


A vector of color assignment to the clusters/topics used for cluster representation in the STRUCTURE (Rosenberg2002) representation in archaic_plot().


if equals "modern", as in the default, compares enrichment of mismatch features against a modern background - else uses a background with equal probability of all mismatch features.


The control or tuning parameters for the STRUCTURE plot representation structure.pdf output of archaic_plot (Dey2017)


The control or tuning parameters for the EDLogo plots representation logo_clus_*.pdf output of archaic_plot (Dey2018)


The path/directory where to save the output plots


Returns a structure.pdf and as many logo plots of the form logo_clus_k.pdf for each cluster k, in the output path provided output_dir.


Rosenberg2002. Rosenberg, N.A., Pritchard, J.K., Weber, J.L., Cann, H.M., Kidd, K.K., Zhivotovsky, L.A. and Feldman, M.W., 2002. Genetic structure of human populations. science, 298(5602), pp.2381-2385.

Dey2017. Dey, K.K., Hsiao, C.J. and Stephens, M., 2017. Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models. PLoS genetics, 13(3), p.e1006599.

Dey2018. Dey, K.K., Xie, D. and Stephens, M., 2017. A new sequence logo plot to highlight enrichment and depletion. bioRxiv, p.226597.

Pritchard2002. Pritchard, J.K., Stephens, M. and Donnelly, P., 2000. Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics, 155(2), pp.945-959.