The main steps in CorShrink are as follows
\[ Z_{ij} = 0.5 \log \left (\frac{1 + R_{ij}}{1 - R_{ij}} \right ) \]
Estimate from data, the standard errors (\(s_{ij}\)) of these Z-scores \(Z_{ij}\). This can be done in two ways in CorShrink. One approach uses an asymptotic normal approximation, where the standard errors are \(s_{ij} = \frac{1}{n_{ij} - 3}\), with \(n_{ij}\) being the number of complete observations between pair \((i,j)\) that generates the correlation \(R_{ij}\). The other approach performs a re-sampling of the observations for the \((i,j)\) pair and obtains a Bootstrap estimate of the standard errors from the re-sampled \(Z_{ij}\).
Apply adaptive shrinkage (ash due to Stephens 2016) on the pairs \((Z_{ij}, s_{ij})\) either across all \(i\) and \(j\) pairs (matrix format) or along all \(i\) for one \(j\), or along all \(j\) for one \(i\) (vector formats).
\[ Z^{\star}_{ij} : = ash \; (Z_{ij}, s_{ij}) \]
The matrix format shrinkage is performed by the CorShrinkMatrix function while the vector format shrinkage is performed by the CorShrinkVector function.
\[ R^{\star}_{ij} = \frac{exp \; (2 Z^{\star}_{ij}) - 1}{exp \; (2 Z^{\star}_{ij}) + 1} \]
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