
We propose here a Grade of Membership (GoM) model tailored for Bernoulli presence - absence matrix. We discuss the algorithmic details of the EM algorithm underlying this model. In ecological abundance study, reserachers often analyse the presence - absence data matrix marking a site \(i\) and a species \(j\) as 1, if the site \(i\) contains the species \(j\) and 0 otherwise. A better alternative obviously is to report \(c_{ij}\), the counts of the species \(j\) in site \(i\), but often this \(c_{ij}\) is not known accurately. This is why presence-absence matrices are still considered more reliable an information for doing abundance analysis


Consider a presence absence matrix (\(U_{nb}\)), such that

\[ U_{nb} \sim Ber (p_{nb}) \]

where \(U_{nb}\) is the indicator of whether the species \(b\) is present in site \(n\) and \(p_{nb}\) is the corresponding probability of occurrence. In a GoM model.we assume a lower dimensional representation of the probabilities \(p_{nb}\).

\[ p_{nb} = \sum_{k=1}^{K} \omega_{nk} f_{kb} \]

\(\omega_{nk}\) represents the grades of membership of the \(n\)th sample in the \(k\)th cluster / profile and \(f_{kb}\) represents the probability of occurrence of the species \(b\) in the \(k\) th cluster.

For each species \(b\) in site \(n\), we define a latent variable \(U_{nkb}\) as the indicator that a bird comes from species \(b\) and site \(n\) and profile \(k\).

We can write

\[ U_{nb} = U_{n1b} + U_{n2b} + \cdots + U_{nKb} \]

where each of \(U_{nkb}\) is an indicator latent variable and only one of them can be 1 and rest are all 0.

Then given an observed \(U_{nb}\), we get

\[ Pr (U_{nkb} = 1 | U_{nb} = 1) = \frac{\omega_{nk} f_{kb}}{\sum_{l} \omega_{nl} f_{lb}} = U_{nb} \frac{\omega_{nk} f_{kb}}{\sum_{l} \omega_{nl} f_{lb}} = p_{nkb}\] \[ Pr (U_{nkb} = 0 | U_{nb} = 0) = \frac{\omega_{nk} (1 - f_{kb})}{\sum_{l} \omega_{nl} (1 - f_{lb})} = (1 - U_{nb}) \frac{\omega_{nk} (1 - f_{kb})}{\sum_{l} \omega_{nl} (1 - f_{lb})} = q_{nkb}\]

Note that \(U_{nb}\) is observed and hence we show that the distribution of \(U_{nkb}\) can be determined using the above equations given the value of \(U_{nb}\).

For the \(t\)th iteration, we can evaluate the quantities above as follows

\[ A^{(t)}_{nkb} = Pr (U^{(t)}_{nkb} = 1 | U_{nb} = 1) = U_{nb} \frac{\omega^{(t)}_{nk} f^{(t)}_{kb}}{\sum_{l} \omega^{(t)}_{nl} f^{(t)}_{lb}} \]

\[ B^{(t)}_{nkb} = Pr (U^{(t)}_{nkb} = 0 | U_{nb} = 0) = (1 - U_{nb}) \frac{\omega^{(t)}_{nk} (1 - f^{(t)}_{kb})}{\sum_{l} \omega^{(t)}_{nl} (1 - f^{(t)}_{lb})} \]

Then we can determine \(\omega^{(t+1)}_{nk}\) as follows

\[ \omega^{(t+1)}_{nk} = \frac{\sum_{b} (A^{(t)}_{nkb} + B^{(t)}_{nkb} )} {\sum_{l}\sum_{b} (A^{(t)}_{nlb} + B^{(t)}_{nlb} )} = \frac{1}{U_{n+}} \sum_{b} (A^{(t)}_{nkb} + B^{(t)}_{nkb}) \]

Similarly, we can get the estimates for \(f^{(t+1)}_{kb}\) as

\[ f^{(t+1)}_{kb} = \frac{\sum_{n} A^{(t)}_{nkb}} {\sum_{n} (A^{(t)}_{nkb} + B^{(t)}_{nkb} )} \]

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