test Introduction           Installation           Tutorial           Extras          


aRchaic is a R/python software interface developed by Kushal K Dey and Hussein Al-Asadi at the University of Chicago. It is primarily a tool for clustering and visualization of DNA damage patterns in ancient DNA samples, possibly generated from multiple studies.

Why aRchaic?

One of the challenges in working with ancient DNA samples pertains from the fact that such samples often have low endogenous DNA and may be contaminated by modern DNA at extraction or processing stages. DNA damage has been shown to be an important marker for authenticating aDNA samples. One popular tool that addresses this problem is mapDamage . However, mapDamage treats each aDNA sample separately and this acts as a roadblock when analysing many aDNA samples jointly. With some of the current aDNA research articles sequencing hundreds of aDNA samples, this is a matter of considerable interest. aRchaic addresses this problem through a model based clustering and visualization of DNA damage patterns from aDNA samples, possibly taken from multiple studies, as well as modern DNA samples. Also, different aDNA studies involve different sets of technical artifacts - namely library preparation protocols (UDG treatment versus non UDG treatment), different PCR enzymes etc. aRchaic has been shown to identify these technical differences as well.


To run aRchaic on your own examples or reproduce the results from this vignette, first install Git . Then, clone the following Github repository at a desired location in your local machine.

  git clone https://github.com/kkdey/aRchaic-pages

Go inside the created folder

  cd aRchaic-pages

Then install Python via the command line and export the path to the directory bin to the $PATH variable.

Next, install the pysam package following the instructions in the link. It requires that Cython is installed beforehand. The user is also required to install the python package pyfaidx . The python environment can be set up by the following command in the command line.

 python setup.py install

Once python environment has been set up, the user is required to install the latest version of R . We recommend the user to use Rstudio , a very well manintained GUI for R. Start a session od R/RStudio and then install the dependency packages for aRchaic.


Once these packages are installed, the user can install aRchaic using devtools


and load the package in R


To check or understand the underlying codes or to contribute to the aRchaic R pakcage, you can clone the repository with all the codes and documentation here.

  git clone https://github.com/kkdey/aRchaic


The first step in the aRchaic workflow involves generating a Mismatch Feature Format ( MFF ) file, for which the user needs as input

The user is required to first index the BAM file using samtools


  samtools index example.bam

Then the MFF file can be generated in a CSV format ( example.csv ) by running the following command from the command line.

python generate_summary_bams.py -b example.bam -f example.fa -o example.csv

Some versions of the FASTA file contain the chr prefix to indicate the chromosome in the contig names, while others do not. In case the prefix is absent, use the --add-chr option as shown below.

python generate_summary_bams.py -b example.bam -f example.fa -o --add-chr

The full documentation of the generate_summary_bams.py can be obtained by running

python --help generate_summary_bams.py

usage: python [option] ... [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] ...
Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):
-b     : issue warnings about str(bytes_instance), str(bytearray_instance)
         and comparing bytes/bytearray with str. (-bb: issue errors)
-B     : don't write .py[co] files on import; also PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=x
-c cmd : program passed in as string (terminates option list)
-d     : debug output from parser; also PYTHONDEBUG=x
-E     : ignore PYTHON* environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH)
-h     : print this help message and exit (also --help)
-i     : inspect interactively after running script; forces a prompt even
         if stdin does not appear to be a terminal; also PYTHONINSPECT=x
-I     : isolate Python from the user's environment (implies -E and -s)
-m mod : run library module as a script (terminates option list)
-O     : optimize generated bytecode slightly; also PYTHONOPTIMIZE=x
-OO    : remove doc-strings in addition to the -O optimizations
-q     : don't print version and copyright messages on interactive startup
-s     : don't add user site directory to sys.path; also PYTHONNOUSERSITE
-S     : don't imply 'import site' on initialization
-u     : unbuffered binary stdout and stderr, stdin always buffered;
         also PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x
         see man page for details on internal buffering relating to '-u'
-v     : verbose (trace import statements); also PYTHONVERBOSE=x
         can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity
-V     : print the Python version number and exit (also --version)
         when given twice, print more information about the build
-W arg : warning control; arg is action:message:category:module:lineno
         also PYTHONWARNINGS=arg
-x     : skip first line of source, allowing use of non-Unix forms of #!cmd
-X opt : set implementation-specific option
file   : program read from script file
-      : program read from stdin (default; interactive mode if a tty)
arg ...: arguments passed to program in sys.argv[1:]

Other environment variables:
PYTHONSTARTUP: file executed on interactive startup (no default)
PYTHONPATH   : ':'-separated list of directories prefixed to the
               default module search path.  The result is sys.path.
PYTHONHOME   : alternate  directory (or :).
               The default module search path uses /pythonX.X.
PYTHONCASEOK : ignore case in 'import' statements (Windows).
PYTHONIOENCODING: Encoding[:errors] used for stdin/stdout/stderr.
PYTHONFAULTHANDLER: dump the Python traceback on fatal errors.
PYTHONHASHSEED: if this variable is set to 'random', a random value is used
   to seed the hashes of str, bytes and datetime objects.  It can also be
   set to an integer in the range [0,4294967295] to get hash values with a
   predictable seed.
PYTHONMALLOC: set the Python memory allocators and/or install debug hooks
   on Python memory allocators. Use PYTHONMALLOC=debug to install debug

The basic structure of the MFF file is as follows


It is a comma separated file consisting of 7 columns. Each row corresponds to a type of mismatch and the first 6 columns define the type of mismatch. The 7th column specifies the number of times that type of mismatch has been observed in the BAM file, with respect to the given reference genome. More specific details on the columns are

Logo visualization of MFF file

We now demonstrate the first function of the aRchaic package.

Note that there are two data folders - Skoglund and moderns-50 in the aRchaic-pages/data/ directory. Skoglund contains MFF files for a subset of aDNA samples. We perform a logo visualization of one of the MFF files from this directory.

aRchaic_view(file = "data/Skoglund/Gok4.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30.csv",
             output_dir = "output/",
             filename = "logo_Gok4_Skoglund")

This function will output a .png file titled logo_Gok4_Skoglund.png in the output_dir specified, that looks like the following

Lets investigate the different aspects of this logo representation. There are three components to the plot - an Enrichment Depletion Logo ( EDLogo ) plot showing the enrichment or depletion of the mismatch types and the flanking bases immediate 5' and 3' of the mismatch, an EDLogo plot of the strand break nucleotides composition and a trend plot of the relative frequency of the position of mismatches from the ends of the reads. Note that the mismatches reported are only C-to-* or T-to-* mismatches, which accounts for the strand bias. Under the default, the enrichments and depletions are with respect to a background that assigns equal probability to all features. However, one can use a different background. One particular background of interest is that of modern DNA damage.

base_probs_list <- get(load("output/base_probs_temp_2.rda"))
aRchaic_view(file = "data/Skoglund/Gok4.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30.csv",
             output_dir = "output/",
              logo.control = list(base_probs_list = base_probs_list),
             filename = "logo_Gok4_Skoglund")

Summarising multiple MFF files

For joint analysis, the user needs to aggregate the MFF files either from one study or from across multiple studies for cross study comparison. aRchaic provides a function aRchaic_pool that allows the user to aggregate the MFF .CSV files from a folder into a .RData object.

out <- aRchaic_pool(folders = "data/Skoglund/")

this function outputs .RData files in the folder (s) specified, named after the folder. for example - in this example, it will create a file named Skoglund.rda in the directory Skoglund as specified in the folders argument above. The output is also stored in the variable out in this case.

This object is a data matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of MFF files in the folder and the number of columns equal to the number of distinct mismatch signatures drawn from from the first 6 columns of the MFF file - an example column name would be may be AC->AA_-_A_1 - indicating a C->A mismatch flanked by A's on both sides and occurring in the first position from 5' end of a read obtained from a - strand with an A base at the position immediately preceding the strand break. The data in the matrix corresponds to the 7th column of the MFF file, recording the count of how many times a signature such as the one above would occur in each sample MFF file.

The first 5 rows and 5 columns of out are the following

                           AC->AA_-_A_1 AC->AA_-_A_10 AC->AA_-_A_11
Ajv52.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30          789            45            50
Ajv59.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30           25             0             1
Gok4.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30           318            47            27
Gok5.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30            61             1             1
Gok7.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30            20             3             0
                           AC->AA_-_A_12 AC->AA_-_A_13
Ajv52.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30            44            43
Ajv59.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30             1             1
Gok4.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30             28            38
Gok5.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30              0             5
Gok7.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30              0             1

Argument folders in the input to aRchaic_pool () is a vector of folder names in which case, it outputs a .RData file for each folder.

Note that all the functions in aRchaic - for example, the aRchaic_view() above or the functions we discuss first checks if the aggregated .RData file is present in the folder or not. If present, it will try to use this .RData file to draw the necessary inputs.

Clustering and Visualization

Now we discuss the primary function of the aRchaic package, namely aRchaic_cluster , which performs clustering and visualization of the MFF files from one or more studies. Our clustering model is a type of Grade of Membership (GoM) model, much like the STRUCTURE model in population genetics, but which takes into account different features of the mismatches pertaining to DNA damage to assign grades of membership of the aDNA samples to different clusters.

Each cluster is represented by a distribution on the different mismatch features, which can be displayed by a logo plot similar to the one in aRchaic_view() function discussed above.

As an example, we run aRchaic_cluster on the MFF files from the data/Skoglund/ folder.

labs <- c(rep("Skoglund",6))
clus <- aRchaic_cluster_2(folders = c("data/Skoglund/"),
                K = 2,
                tol = 1,
                labs = labs,
                run_from = "plot",
                output_dir = "output/skoglund_2/")

This function fits the GoM model and creates output files in the output_dir specified. The output includes three components

A combined plot of the STRUCTURE plot output and the logo plots output is presented below


We now present a second example, where we pool in data from two different studies - one modern study (subset of 1000 Genomes) saved in the folder moderns-50 in the data folder and the aDNA example data folder from above. Consciously, we have just put the aggregated MFF .RData file in moderns-50 folder and not the individual MFF files to highlight the fact that under the default option (corresponding to run_from = "plot" ), aRchaic_cluster uses the .RData file only and if it does not find it, it runs aRchaic_pool on the individual MFF files to build this .RData object.

labs <- c(rep("Skoglund",6), rep("moderns-50",50))
clus <- aRchaic_cluster(folders = c("data/Skoglund/", "data/moderns-50/"),
                        K = 2,
                        tol = 1,
                        labs = labs,
                        run_from = "plot",
                        output_dir = "output/skoglund_moderns_2/")

The input run_from is an important argument that allows the user to choose which steps to run while re-running the aRchaic_cluster function on the same data, possibly for different number of clusters, or different settings for the logo plots. When run_from = start , the function builds the aggregated MFF file (.RData) from the MFF csv files from srcatch in each inuput directory listed in `folders`. Then it pools the aggregated MFF files from all the listed input directories, merges them and then runs the GoM model on the merged data.

When run_from = gom , the function first checks if the .RData file is present in each of the input directories listed in folders . Only when this file is not present in one of the folders would the function generate it. The rest of the steps are similar to the run_from = start option.

When run_from = plot , the function checks if the model.rda file is present in the output directory. If present, it just runs the visualization functions on the saved model.rda file. If the file is not present, the it switches to run_from = gom , runs the model and creates the model.rda file in the output directory.

Just like in aRchaic_view() , one can scale the logo plots generated for clusters by a specified background, for example, a modern background profile.

labs <- c(rep("Skoglund",6), rep("moderns-50",50))
base_probs_list <- get(load("output/base_probs_temp_2.rda"))

clus <- aRchaic_cluster_2(folders = c("data/Skoglund/", "data/moderns-50/"),
                          K = 2,
                          tol = 1,
                          labs = labs,
                          run_from = "plot",
                          logo.control = list(base_probs_list = base_probs_list,
                                              mut_ranges = c(1,1.5),
                                              break_ranges = c(0.5,0.5)),
                          output_dir = "output/skoglund_moderns_2_background/")

mut_ranges and break_ranges options are used to maintain same scale of the Y axes for the mismatch EDLogo and the strand break EDLogo plots across different clusters. When not specified, optimal Y axes scaling is performed separately for each cluster and for each EDLogo plot and hence the scales of the plots would likely vary from one logo representation to another.

Additional Functions

Apart from the aRchaic_cluster function, aRchaic also allows the user to plot the principal components derived from the DNA damage patterns across multiple samples. An example is given below.

labs <- c(rep("Skoglund",6), rep("moderns-50",50))
clus <- aRchaic_pca(folders = c("data/Skoglund/", "data/moderns-50/"),
                    labs = labs,
                    run_from = "plot",
                    pcs_to_plot = c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3"),
                    output_dir = "output/skoglund_moderns_2_background/")

The function plots the scatter plot for the first 3 PCs in the output_dir argument.

aRchaic also provides tools to plot the frequency distribution of the position of mismatches on the read for all reads as well as reads containing probable DNA damage in the form of C-to-T mismatches. An example is provided below.

read_length_distribution(file = "data/Skoglund/Ajv52.hs37d5.fa.merged.q30.csv")


aRchaic is distributed under GPL (>= 2) license.

We thank Matthew Stephens and John Novembre for their mentoring. We also thank Anna Di Rienzo, Anna Gosling, David Witonsky, John Lindo, Choonwong Jeong, Benjamin Peter, Arjun Biddanda, Joseph Marcus, Peter Carbonetto, John Blischak, Dongyue Xie and all members of Stephens Lab, Novembre Lab and Di Rienzo Lab.

For any queries related to aRchaic , please contact Kushal K. Dey (kkdey@uchicago.edu) or Hussein Al-Asadi (halasadi@uchicago.edu).