Preclog check!

Kushal K Dey



TFBS example

##             1     2           3     4        5        6     7           8
## A 1.00000e-10 1e-10 1.00000e-10 1e-10 0.297935 0.336283 1e-10 1.76991e-01
## C 1.53392e-01 1e+00 8.25959e-01 1e+00 0.356932 0.020649 1e-10 1.00000e-10
## G 1.00000e-10 1e-10 1.00000e-10 1e-10 0.020649 0.374631 1e+00 8.23009e-01
## T 8.46608e-01 1e-10 1.74041e-01 1e-10 0.324484 0.268437 1e-10 1.00000e-10
##       9          10
## A 1e-10 8.84956e-01
## C 1e-10 1.00000e-10
## G 1e+00 1.15044e-01
## T 1e-10 1.00000e-10

EDlogo -log

                   type = "EDLogo",
                   color_type = "per_row",
                   colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4,name ="Spectral"),
                   logo_control = list(score = "wKL",
                                       control = list(quant = 0.5, gap_ylab=2.5,
                                        epsilon = 0.01, round_off = 0,
                                        posbins = 2, negbins = 3)))

EDlogo -preclog

                   type = "EDLogo",
                   color_type = "per_row",
                   colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4,name ="Spectral"),
                   logo_control = list(score = "preclog",
                                       control = list(quant = 0.5, gap_ylab=2.5,
                                        epsilon = 0.01, round_off = 0,
                                        posbins = 2, negbins = 3)))

Mutation Signature - Sig 12 Yuichi

mat=read.table(paste('../data/Fig4_rawdata/sig_',12,'.txt',sep = ''))
colnames(mat1) = c("-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2")
colnames(mat2) = c("-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2")
rownames(mat2) = c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
table = rbind(mat1, mat2)
##            -2         -1            0           1         2
## A   0.1429512 0.08494982           NA 0.197080025 0.2767577
## C   0.1689498 0.46431232           NA 0.313653183 0.2454964
## G   0.2191480 0.31705404           NA 0.002281516 0.1927627
## T   0.4689511 0.13368382           NA 0.486985276 0.2849833
## C>A        NA         NA 7.590720e-10          NA        NA
## C>G        NA         NA 3.232363e-67          NA        NA
## C>T        NA         NA 9.657371e-01          NA        NA
## T>A        NA         NA 1.141712e-39          NA        NA
## T>C        NA         NA 3.426289e-02          NA        NA
## T>G        NA         NA 5.617568e-45          NA        NA

Color Scheme

cols =[$category ==
col_vector = unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, cols$maxcolors, rownames(cols)))
col_vector = col_vector[-c(4,5)]
total_chars = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
                "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "zero", "one", "two",
                "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "dot", "comma",
                "dash", "colon", "semicolon", "leftarrow", "rightarrow")


EDLogo - log

                   type = "EDLogo",
                   color_type = "per_symbol",
                   color_seed = 2000,
                   logo_control = list(score = "log",
                                       control= list(quant=0.5,
                                                     gap_ylab = 2.5,
                                                     posbins = 2,
                                                     negbins = 3)))

EDLogo - preclog

                   type = "EDLogo",
                   color_type = "per_symbol",
                   color_seed = 2000,
                   logo_control = list(score = "preclog",
                                       control= list(quant=0.5,
                                                     gap_ylab = 2.5,
                                                     posbins = 2,
                                                     negbins = 3)))

N-Glycosylation sites example

sequences <- N_Glycosyl_sequences
bg <- apply(sequences, 1, function(x) return(median(x)))
bg <- bg/sum(bg)
##    -5  -4  -3  -2  -1    0   1    2   3   4   5
## A 312 311 348 365 385    0 402    2 366 348 355
## C 142 147 148 125 145    0 225   14 244 149 212
## D 266 272 225 177 196    0 201    1 268 234 320
## E 320 393 323 249 280    0 252    3 335 336 376
## F 266 226 231 330 267    0 268    2 260 203 229
## G 341 325 358 389 450    0 508    1 337 305 310
## H 119 137 156 188 136    0 133    0 147 149 130
## I 283 242 279 277 272    0 440    1 293 310 311
## K 237 228 283 243 257    0 179    0 206 205 204
## L 533 594 537 544 566    0 581    4 643 524 484
## M  93  94  92 105 100    0 109    2  87  97  73
## N 216 257 209 230 181 5422 187    3 181 225 225
## P 325 325 312 322 256    0  10    1  28 344 317
## Q 231 226 260 228 242    0 180    3 241 265 210
## R 260 234 267 224 274    0 206    4 242 260 229
## S 443 424 414 427 395    0 448 2365 432 434 388
## T 349 356 301 317 284    0 318 3012 277 369 287
## V 390 348 379 370 385    0 494    4 493 401 439
## W  91 101  96  82  97    0  62    0 135  75 110
## Y 205 182 204 230 254    0 219    0 207 189 213

EDlogo -log

out <- Logolas::logomaker(sequences,
                          type = "EDLogo",
                          color_type = "per_row",
                          return_heights = TRUE,
                          bg = bg,
                          logo_control = list(score = "log",
                                              ic = FALSE,
                                              control= list(quant=0.5,
                                                            gap_ylab = 2.5,
                                                            posbins = 3,
                                                            negbins = 3)))
## frame width not provided, taken to be 1
## frame width not provided, taken to be 1

EDlogo -log

out <- Logolas::logomaker(sequences,
                          type = "EDLogo",
                          color_type = "per_row",
                          return_heights = TRUE,
                          bg = bg,
                          logo_control = list(score = "preclog",
                                              ic = FALSE,
                                              control= list(quant=0.5,
                                                    quant_strategy = "center",
                                                    gap_ylab = 2.5,
                                                    posbins = 3,
                                                    negbins = 3)))
## frame width not provided, taken to be 1
## frame width not provided, taken to be 1

This webpage has been developed using RStudio's R Markdown and John D Blischak's workflowr package.